Green Juice

Green juice… Aka salad in a cup… #cleaneating.

Surprise Puck Cake

     It was recently C’s birthday… the big 3-0! To celebrate this milestone, I threw him a surprise party with some of his friends! And what’s a surprise party without a surprise cake?

Matcha Green Tea Macarons

Love green tea. These are green tea macarons with green tea white chocolate ganache filling. Sounds decadent eh?

Canuck Cookies

Sooo… there was quite a bit of left over icing from the previous batches of cookies and throwing it all out wasn’t really an option. There was only one thing to do… make more cookies to decorate! As per other blogs, some have stored extra royal icing for months, whereas some have mentioned weeks… guess…

Turtle, Turtleee

I like turtles, they are so cute. My friend Amanda recently posted a picture of turtles for sale… saran-wrapped, labeled, priced, and everything in the cooler section of some asian food store… nasty, why eat a REAL turtle when you can eat these turtle cookies instead ? =/

Baby Cookies

Today is friday, April 29th… besides the crazy hype about the royal wedding that took place today (which seemed like a crazy fantasy wedding), it was also my first official school-free day.. yup. Had my last exam yesterday… whats up summerrr? =] Spent today relaxing and tending to things that I’ve neglected for the past…