Gingerbread Twist Bread

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… everywhere you go… With this change in weather as well as yesterday’s snow dump, it’s really starting to look and feel like a white Christmas! Though I like the look of freshly fallen white fluffy snow, I cannot stand the cold! So I personally like to kick…

DIY Christmas Cookie Gift Idea

When it comes to holiday gifts, I always have such a hard time finding the ‘perfect’ gifts. Which has brought me to the conclusion that you can never go wrong with homemade gifts! Especially tasty gingerbread cookies!

Gingerbread Snowflakes

Dilemma: studying vs. blogging…. blogging won. I had a somewhat long study break the other day and ended up making these.

Gingerbread Biscotti

Think I’ve already mentioned how much I love the smell of fresh baking gingerbread… it’s so addicting – sweet, spicy goodness … need to invest in a gingerbread candle or something to enjoy this smell all year round. So yah, if you haven’t already noticed the giant/ bright red and green signage plus many roaming…

Its that time of year again….

Holy geez… Have not touched this thing in like a month! sheesh. Been a little busy, but its a little better now that the midterm marathon is over. Looking ahead by like a month – it’s already mid-november and christmas break is just around the corner! Woot woot, that’s exciting. Love christmas and everything else…